Be seen by active job seekers in the whole country and have your job listing sent to relevant candidates in our CV database.
We will not show your advertisement to just anyone. We target your advertisement at relevant users within your industry or technological field.
Welcome to the front page, where your job can also reach all the people who are not yet actively looking for a job on job listing websites.
Here you will be seen by all our readers – especially those who do not yet know that they are looking for a new job.
Here you will be seen by all of our users, first thing.
We extend the effect of your recruitment on LinkedIn, where we also have a large organic audience of passive job seekers.
Now you are really close. We write directly to your target group within, for example, a specific industry, profession, or geographical area.
The starting price for a Tech Search is DKK 15,000 and includes Premium Exposure (DKK 12.500). We aim to hand over 3 motivated and relevant candidates for job interviews. As we cannot guarantee exactly 3 candidates, the price is flexible. Each candidate costs DKK 5.000 (max DKK 15.000).