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Job ads and search
All prices are DKK
excl. VAT
  • Exposure on and via job agent help
  • Exposure on relevant article pages help
  • Exposure for one week on relevant front page(s) help
  • Exposure in relevant newsletter(s) help
  • Exposure on the front page of help
  • Exposure on LinkedIn help
  • Direct emails sent to relevant candidates help
  • Interview with 3 motivated and relevant candidates help
Online for up to 30 days
The product contains:
  • Exposure on and via job agent help
  • Exposure on relevant article pages help
  • Exposure for one week on relevant front page(s) help
  • Exposure in relevant newsletter(s) help
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
Online for up to 60 days
The product contains all the benefits of the above product, as well as:
  • Exposure on and via job agent help
  • Exposure on relevant article pages help
  • Exposure for one week on relevant front page(s) help
  • Exposure in relevant newsletter(s) help
  • Exposure on the front page of help
  • Exposure on LinkedIn help
  • Direct emails sent to relevant candidates help
  • -
Tech Search
Max. 30.000
 Initially 15.000 + 5.000 pr candidate
The product contains all the benefits of the above product, as well as:
  • Exposure on and via job agent help
  • Exposure on relevant article pages help
  • Exposure for one week on relevant front page(s) help
  • Exposure in relevant newsletter(s) help
  • Exposure on the front page of help
  • Exposure on LinkedIn help
  • Direct emails sent to relevant candidates help
  • Interview with 3 motivated and relevant candidates help
Have student jobs, internships and project collaborations added to Jobfinder for free. Send the job postings to and we will add them

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