The job Student Internship: Data Operations & Analytics has expired.
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Who we are?
Our company is building fleets of mobile robots to automate the transportation of goods within supermarkets. Our diverse team of approximately twenty individuals from nearly just as many countries collaborates on cutting-edge technology to revolutionize the industry. Our office is located in Odense. This internship provides a unique opportunity to work on real-time projects, enhance your skills, and contribute to meaningful research and reporting efforts.

Key Responsibilities:

1.     Data Analysis:

  • Collect, organize, and analyze data from various sources.
  • Assist in interpreting data and extracting meaningful insights.
  • Prepare data visualizations and reports to support decision-making.

2.     Desktop Research:

  • Conduct in-depth research on industry trends, market analysis, and emerging technologies.
  • Compile relevant data and findings to assist with strategic planning and decision-making.
  • Stay updated with the latest developments in the field.

3.     Content Creation:

  • Create well-written and informative content for various platforms, including blog posts, reports, and presentations.
  • Collaborate with team members to develop content that resonates with our target audience.


  • Current enrolment in a relevant bachelor’s or master’s degree program.
  • Strong analytical and data interpretation skills.
  • Excellent research abilities and attention to detail.
  • Proficiency in data analysis tools and software
  • Exceptional writing and communication skills.
  • Passion for staying up to date with industry trends.
  • Ability to work well independently and in a team.

Perks of the job:

  • Valuable hands-on experience in data analysis and research.
  • Exposure to real-world projects and industry insights.
  • Opportunity to develop a portfolio of content and reports.
  • Networking opportunities with professionals in the field.
  • Mentorship from experienced team members.
  • Flexible working hours to accommodate your academic schedule.
  • A great international working environment.
  • Team-building activities.

Please note that this is an unpaid internship designed to provide students with practical experience in data analysis, research, and content creation. While we do not offer financial compensation, we are committed to providing you with a valuable learning experience and the opportunity to contribute to meaningful projects. Why wait? Apply now by submitting your resume and cover letter! For more information or questions please contact us at

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