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Ubiqisense’s proprietary architecture delivers rich data to the cloud about how people use spaces. The sensor counts people and gives insights about how many people go in and out of a building, how many people are in different workspaces and how they move around. The data is anonymous and the use cases are endless. With these insights we help our customers understand how their spaces are being used, then they can adapt their workspaces to the people using them. Adapting workspaces to real time occupancy data helps reduce energy usage and the unnecessary costs that come with it. Our solution also integrates with BMS systems to control ventilation and heating based on the actual use of those spaces.

Qualities that we are looking for
Eager to learn new technologies and like to experiment.  Consider yourself technology agnostic, with the ability to pick the right tools for the job. You know what it means and the value it brings to write clean, modular and reusable code that is easily testable. Your are able to think from a user’s perspective and ask critical questions to clarify any misunderstandings. You're not afraid to say "I don't know" and that doesn't stop you from learning. Past work that shows you're comfortable with both back-end and front-end development.

Develop features within our platform, including collaboration in requirements definition, prototyping, design, coding, bug fixing,  testing, and deployment. Work with our development team that is composed of engineers that work both on-site, and remotely. 

Need to have
Some experience using the following stack and willing to learn what is not known:

  • NodeJS with TypeScript
  • Angular framework
  • Development on iOS and Android
  • MongoDB and PostgreSQL
  • AWS
  • Github 

Nice to have
Prior experience working with IoT development and the ecosystem.  Able to write secure code and review other team members' code.   

For more information or questions please contact us at or phone number 40 36 46 91.

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