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We seek a talented developer to help us create excellent software for our next-generation helicopter-based geophysics system and in our mission to launch the first drone-based platform.

The Company

SkyTEM was founded to help secure drinking-water resources in Denmark by creating detailed subsurface maps. Today the technology is used worldwide for the same purpose as well as to localize minerals and plan infrastructure projects. In R&D we are a small group of 14 people responsible for developing, testing, and manufacturing the entire system from carbon fiber frame through to analog and digital electronics and the software that controls it. That means you will be able to participate in the entire process from idea generation to testing in the field. We also expect you to collaborate across disciplines.

Your Contribution
Your most valued asset will be experience in writing great software that can stand the test of time. Most of the work will involve Python and Linux, but experience with the following technologies could also be useful: JavaScript, C++, FPGA, Yocto, RTOS, Docker, and analog/digital electronics.

Depending on your skill set you will participate in:

  • Integrating new sensor solutions from low-level hardware interfaces to high-level interaction with the rest of the system
  • Web-based user interface Development
  • Linux driver development to interface with our FPGA backbone
  • Overall system architecture and interface design
  • Establishing an automated testbench and continuous integration workflows
  • Designing analog and Digital Electronics

We have a backlog filled with valuable projects, so the ideal candidate excels at moving projects forward to the finish line to deliver value.

We currently focus on improving our workflow. In recent years we have created recipe-based deployments and development environments. Soon, we will work on remote deployment, continuous integration, and automated testing. The experience here will be highly valued.

What we seek in this hire is to be able to move faster and add experience where we need it the most. Your work will take the outset in accelerating our current projects, but as a small team, we constantly adapt roles and skills to needs and interests. We are also responsible for setting the direction of the development, which greatly influences the work.

The Team
We believe that a significant component in performance is a natural interest in the projects and technologies and a supportive environment where work feels like play. We believe that the best results are achieved in strong collaboration where all stakeholders take part in the decisions.

In the team, we value people who

  • believe that team performance is more important than the individual, but are capable of driving their own projects
  • like to receive and give honest feedback
  • have a natural curiosity and desire to learn and develop
  • take pride in the work and seek to constantly improve
  • openly share mistakes and see them as a part of making a difference 

The Future
If the above resonates with you, we would love to hear from you. Applications can be sent to For more information please contact the head of R&D Kristoffer Skovgaard Mohr at
+45 25108262

Relevant candidates will be interviewed as applications are received and the position is open immediately.

Deadline 5th of March 2023

According to the Global Data Protection Regulations SkyTEM deletes all:

  • Unsolicited applications immediately upon reply
  • Solicited applications no longer than 3 months after the application deadline.

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