The job Senior Manager, Production Development has expired.
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Are you looking for the opportunity to use your management skills as well as your technical skills to help one of Denmark's most successful production companies succeed with our automation and digitisation journey within production? We are looking for a Senior Manager, Production Development, who will help lift our production to world class. We have worked with automation and digitisation in production for several years. In the coming years, we will continue to focus on our smart integrated factory, flexible lean automation and design for manufacturing strategy.

We are looking for a skilled and professional engineer who can take the lead in developing our production technical processes, systems and competences in Operations globally. You will be operating and co-operating cross-organisationally - using your skills to create Best Practice and execute improvement projects – and you will focus on the implementation of these across our product lines and other factories in Denmark, USA, China, Thailand and Slovakia.

You will be reporting directly to our COO. Together with a team of professional colleagues, you will be given a good opportunity to challenge the existing, generate concrete ideas and implement technical development projects within our core competences - particularly including further digitalisation, automation, Design for Manufacturing and other relevant initiatives which contribute to maintaining a strong competitive production.

For the right person this is the perfect opportunity to use your skills to make a difference in an exciting position. You will become part of an increasingly growing company and have the opportunity to both influence and learn from your highly skilled colleagues across the organisation.


  • In collaboration with product lines, initiate production development projects within automation and digitisation that create competitiveness at LINAK factories globally
  • Search for and introduce the newest knowledge about production processes, automation and digitalisation to LINAK
  • Ensure knowledge sharing of Best Practice within production technology across LINAK factories
  • Create opportunity to improve our production productivity by developing our MES applications in collaboration with production and IT
  • Conduct relevant competency development and mentoring across the organisation
  • Standardise and expand ”Design For Manufacturing” and Best Practice cross-organisationally    
  • Develop and implement the LINAK production strategy in co-operation with the Production Management
  • Challenge and assist the production lines with ”Cost out”, quality improvements and new methods
  • Responsible for the professional development of our graduate engineers in operations


  • have relevant experience from a major industrial company
  • probably hold a position as either Operations Manager, Production Engineering Manager or Project Manager in a major manufacturing company
  • have the ability to drive innovation projects
  • have the ability and desire to deal with technology innovation projects and are able to participate in technical development work together with experts
  • have the ability to work with implementation of new products and processes
  • have a distinct analytic sense, an interest in experimenting and to explore problems in depths in order to generate the best solutions
  • are result-oriented and able to maintain focus on important issues
  • probably hold a degree in engineering supplemented with another relevant education
  • speak and write English, and preferably have some knowledge of Danish
  • are willing to settle down in the area close to LINAK A/S

If you would like further information regarding the position, please do not hesitate to contact COO Egon Jensen, phone +45 7315 1410.

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