The job Mechanical engineer internship has expired.
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The idea:
RiACT is constantly trying to create new initiatives that showcases the unlimited possibilities of what you can do with robots. We believe that bringing the robots to the shopfloor is the best way to showcase exactly that. Therefore, we have purchased a new Universal Robot that we will build into a suitcase that can be easily transported to customers and events.

The suitcase includes:

  1. UR robot
  2. DIN-rail with PLC, industrial computer, compute box and router
  3. Grippers
  4. Lifting column.

Your job will be to assemble and mount all electronics:

  • Bring new cool ideas to the existing design and define if we need to purchase any hardware for the assembly
  • Physically assemble and mount the suitcase according to design with alu profiles or alike
  • Cabling (incl. tagging) of all devices in relation to documentation by suppliers
  • Assemble PLC and program a simple PLC program
  • Make robot mounting plate and other aluminimum plates
  • Setup robot, industrial computer and lifting column

In this internship, we will trust you with the exciting challenge to take charge of the assembly and setup of all devices in the box. Together with us we bring all the electronics to the suitcase supplier for the final refinement and design.

The goal is clear: To have the most portable robot suitcase in the world. The drawings are ready. We are just waiting for you.

For more information or questions please contact us at

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