The job IoT & Electronics Designer has expired.
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StepUp Health is a young and ambitious company, building a novel medical monitoring device, based on respiratory parameters, for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients. We are delivering new approaches to COPD management and bringing control of the disease back to the patients.

Experienced or passionate about technology and IoT?

We are looking for a full-time intern to join our team. You will have many responsibilities and work directly with improving several aspects of our products. As an electronic design intern, you will be responsible for prototyping, designing, manufacturing, and testing circuits. It's an opportunity to design PCBs for IoT purposes, from selecting components to programming a test program to check the behavior of the circuit, while being supported by knowledgeable engineers.

Tasks examples for the first months:

  • Test many measurements and sensors for COPD patients
  • Prototype several options for measuring strain
  • Design a flex PCB

Experience with/knowledge within is a great plus:

  • KiCad
  • Arduino

You are a:

  • Quick learner
  • Independent workers not afraid to take initiatives
  • Curious & Passionate
  • Creative
  • Great communicator
  • English speaker
  • Team player

If you believe this is a challenge for you, send us your application and any relevant document (portfolio, Github,…) through TheHub.  We have a strong commitment to personal development in the company through our skill development program, we guarantee you that you will learn a lot during your stay with us!

For more information or questions please contact us at or phone number +45 30 42 86 16

Please write in your application that you've seen the job on Jobfinder.