

  • Get more Danish students to CERN. 
  • Low number of Danish students at CERN in technical/engineering domains.
  • Long term: also to get more Danish to apply for CERN jobs.

Compatible with Danish technical university/school educational programs:

  • Trainee/Intern period (Praktik periode) plus final project (Afgangs projekt): 4-6 months.
  • Pre-selection / encourage good candidates in technical schools / universities to apply.

Informal mini program under the CERN short term internship program:

  • (roll down to find short term internship and click).
  • Application to be made by student via the CERN application portal: Click on “I’m interested”.
  • Danish candidates that have applied at defined deadline will be candidate for this informal program.

Bachelor or master level:

  • Mainly at the end of their studies.
  • Master level students can also apply for technical student program, but much harder to get (to be found in ) (also an option for bachelor level).

Coordinated between CERN Danish liaison and CERN contacts in Danish technical universities and schools:


  • 10 – 20 per year.
  • 2 times per year:
    Period: January – June (4-6 months).
    Application deadline: September 15.

    Period: July – December (4-6 months).
    Application deadline: March 1st.

Period, application and selection

“Pre-selection” in technical schools/universities:

  • Technical universities / schools propose / encourage good students to apply.
  • Application via CERN job/student web pages. Follow short term intern links from

Appropriate project match made during ~4 weeks following application deadline:

  • Projects will be found according to the wishes/level/expertise of student.

Placement ”procedure”: 

  • Application form, CVs, marks, etc. circulated among appropriate project leaders at CERN.
  • Project leaders requests specific student(s) for a specific project.
  • Best possible match made between students and projects.
  • Project leader put in direct contact with student to finalize details. Proposed project/work, required expertise, Start and end date, financial aspects, etc. Formal contract made by CERN HR (human resources).


  • Critical to include/upload marks/grades when applying.
  • Better chance to find a project if can come for 5-6 months.


Student subsistence from CERN: Tax free:

  • 1500CHF (~11.500DKr) per month for appropriate housing/living in the CERN area.
  • Financed by project student works on.
  • Subsistence to cover extra living expenses (not a salary).

Other income: Additional income required to assure appropriate living condition in CERN area:

  • Statens uddannelsesstøtte (SU): SU rules and taxation issues responsibility of student. Most Danish trainees continue to get SU while being at CERN: udlandet-studieophold/. Critical to note that CERN subsistence is NOT a salary ! (husleje hjælp eller erkendtlighed). Bopælsforhold hvis man har adresse hos sine forældre, så skal man bare ind på og så logge ind på minSU. Så skal man indunder ”Ret Din SU” og der er der en kategori der hedder ”Oplys Særlige bopælsforhold”, hvor man sige at ens adresse er hos ens forældre, men man faktisk er i udlandet.
  • Scholarships, etc. ERASMUS+ grant: Consult with you local Erasmus EU office. It is a local decision in each university if they accept to give Erasmus+ grant to CERN trainees in Switzerland. From EU rules they are allowed to use up to 20% of their Erasmus+ budget for stays outside EU. CERNs official address is in Switzerland. Also has French address, as located across the border, but this is not used on formal documents. As grants are locally managed in each university, acceptance to get a grant or not will vary between universities. 
  • Take a look at legatbogen: samt Berg-Nielsens Studie- og Støttefond:

Insurance, days off

Travel expenses to be covered by student:

Days off / holidays:

  • If contract > 4 months: 2.5 days off per month.
  • If contract < 4 months: No official days off; Exceptional cases: Deduction of daily subsistence, At discretion of supervisor.



Info & Practicalities, web pointers

Social life, activities and contacts

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