The job Backend Developer (student) has expired.
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About Ziik

Ziik offers a unique solution as the only platform in the market that provides companies with a plug-and-play system and app, connecting the entire organisation, enabling efficient company-wide communication and fostering organic engagement among employees.

Our API is developed in Laravel (PHP) with a VueJS + tailwindcss frontend. Our apps (iOS and Android) are developed using React Native. The API and frontend is deployed to AWS Lambda using Laravel Vapor. We use a wide range of AWS services like RDS, SQS, S3, Cloudfront, etc. Prior experience is preferable but not required.

You will be part of a young and dynamic team with no limitations to areas of responsibility as long as you can lift the task.

In this role, you will:

  • Maintain and develop of new features in our API (Laravel)

  • Analyse, debug, and improve database queries

  • Create integrations to external systems

  • Perform code reviews to improve code quality

  • Write automated tests to ensure a functioning and stable product

You're a perfect fit if you:

  • Have good experience with PHP and Laravel

  • Are comfortable writing and reading SQL

  • Have basic understanding of Docker and Git

  • Like problem solving and are ambitious

  • Willing to pick up any missing knowledge to get the job done

  • Value a clean and maintainable codebase and take pride in building high quality solutions

  • Are a team player with a solution oriented mindset

  • Take a interest in full-stack and especially infrastructure (AWS)

The process

We try to keep the process short to respect your time.

  1. We'll read your application and inform you of our decision to proceed

  2. We'll schedule an online interview to get to know you a bit

  3. If we proceed, we'll give you a take-home exercise and schedule an interview to discuss the exercise

  4. If we proceed, we'll invite you to an in-person chat at our office

  5. Assuming it's a match, we'll send you an offer

For more information or questions please contact us at