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Department of Economics and Business Economics offers several positions as student assistant for highly qualified master’s students while they are working on their master’s thesis. The positions are intended as thesis stipends for students who need register data for their thesis and who aim for PhD studies after graduation. During the employment, the students will obtain access to the Danish register data. Often, the theses will be pilot projects hosted by one of the research centers:

TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research (TFBC)

  • ​​​Relevant topics: family interventions (with emphasis on improving school readiness and educational achievement of children of immigrants), teacher-child interactions (e.g. teacher-student matching, teacher working conditions, importance of teachers for student learning), development of math skills (e.g. impact of teacher gender on math skills or studies of gender gap in math skills across the distribution), politico-economic governance of the early childhood educational system (e.g. effects of the child-staff ratio or skilled teachers on child skills), and the general effect of educational interventions (e.g. comparison of effect sizes across age, time and type of intervention). Contact person: Helena Skyt Nielsen,

Research Centre for Firm and Industry Dynamics (FIND)

  • ​​Relevant topics: Firm and industry dynamics (e.g., firm growth, market entry/exit, market structure, mergers & acquisitions); Globalization, international trade, and offshoring; Firm heterogeneity (including productivity, product quality, technology, automation etc.); Interactions between firms and labor markets; Firm behaviour (including choices and strategies regarding product portfolios, pricing, R&D/innovation, etc.). Contact person: Ina C. Jäkel,

Or a research group working with register-based data, e.g.

  • Labor economics
    Relevant topics: Labor market dynamics and unemployment, empirical models of wage dispersion, job search behavior (and labor market policy), gender differences in labor market outcomes, marriage and divorce, labor market inequalities. Contact person: Rune M. Vejlin, 

Who can apply?
Students who ...

  • Are going to work on the master’s thesis in the spring 2024
  • Have an agreement with a potential thesis advisor
  • Consider PhD studies after graduation
  • Can document excellent academic qualifications from the bachelor’s and master’s programs within economics, math-econ, public policy, political science or similar

Your application (in Danish or English) should include: a project proposal (1 page), name of advisor (who will be data governance expert and fund the stipend), grade transcript and CV. 

Requirements and terms
You are employed as an hourly paid student assistant with salary and other terms of employment in accordance with the organizational agreement between the Ministry of Finance and HK / Stat. The position is expected to include an average of 5 working hours per week, and workloads may vary in periods. The employment is a fixed-term appointment and will end without further notice on 31 May 2024. 

Please write in your application that you've seen the job at Jobfinder.