The job Frontend Developer Internship has expired.
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We're currently seeking a Frontend Developer to join our team for our upcoming SaaS platform. You will collaborate closely with our talented designer, the Lead Developer and CTO to develop a new SaaS solution focusing on data transformation.

About Our SaaS:

We are building a SaaS platform that simplifies data transformation and integration. This platform can seamlessly connect various data sources and platforms into a unified environment that we're constructing.

Your Role:

Your primary responsibility will be to work alongside the design team to create a user-friendly frontend. Our objective is to make it a self-service platform, enabling clients to easily onboard and create data connectors themselves.

Our Tech Stack:


  • React
  • TypeScript


  • Laravel (PHP)
  • MySQL


  • Github
  • Docker

Who We're Looking For:

We are looking for someone who is passionate about frontend design and possesses a fundamental understanding of design and UX principles, including mobile-first and global responsibility.

Additionally, you should have experience with the React framework and connecting with API backends.

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